Monday, 2 December 2013

Pick Up 3 Pieces Bag

Our work to look after the Peedie Sea continues.  At the weekend, Miss MacKay put the sticker which we designed onto the new bins at the Peedie Sea paths.
Today we saw the bags which we are going to sell to promote the campaign. 
You can buy them for £2.50 at the school office or contacting the class teachers.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

How to make fruit kebabs

We are continuing to learn about writing instructions; what information you need to include
and how you organise your writing.  This week we made fruit kebabs. 
Can you describe what we did at each step?

 Everyone enjoyed eating their own fruit kebab. 
Some of us even tried a new fruit which was great to see.

A visit to the Kirkwall Library

Last Friday we went to the Kirkwall Library.  We found out how to use the computer if we were looking for specific books.  Some of us were really confident using the catalogue.  We also chose books to take back to school which we will use for our 'Reading Cafe'.