Monday, 2 December 2013

Pick Up 3 Pieces Bag

Our work to look after the Peedie Sea continues.  At the weekend, Miss MacKay put the sticker which we designed onto the new bins at the Peedie Sea paths.
Today we saw the bags which we are going to sell to promote the campaign. 
You can buy them for £2.50 at the school office or contacting the class teachers.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

How to make fruit kebabs

We are continuing to learn about writing instructions; what information you need to include
and how you organise your writing.  This week we made fruit kebabs. 
Can you describe what we did at each step?

 Everyone enjoyed eating their own fruit kebab. 
Some of us even tried a new fruit which was great to see.

A visit to the Kirkwall Library

Last Friday we went to the Kirkwall Library.  We found out how to use the computer if we were looking for specific books.  Some of us were really confident using the catalogue.  We also chose books to take back to school which we will use for our 'Reading Cafe'.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

How to make toast

This week we have been learning about why we need instructions.  We began by making a list of where we might find them.  Some of the ideas included recipes and how to build a lego model.
We decided our first set of instructions would be how to make toast. 
Everyone enjoyed taking part, especially eating the warm toast!

We then went and wrote our own set of instructions. 
Everyone remembered to include important details, including the title and what you do in order.
I wonder what we will make next week?

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Investigating Rainforest Animals

This week we have been finding out about different animals that live in the rainforest. 
 We worked in groups to make a poster about what we learned.  
Our finished pieces of work had lots of detailed drawings and interesting facts.


Sunday, 3 November 2013

What is in our thinking box?

We discovered what our new topic was this week by taking items and photos out of a thinking box.  Everyone shared their ideas about what they thought it might be.

After lots of discussion, we found out the answer... 
This terms topic is 'The Rainforest'.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Pick Up 3 Pieces at the Peedie Sea

On the last week of term we went to the Peedie Sea to begin our 'Pick Up 3 Pieces' campaign.  We found lots of litter, including plastic bags, crisp packets and paper. 

We were all proud of our achievements and keen to keep up our work of
 looking after the environment.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Building our own churches

We have been learning about the different features of a church.  We decided to make our own out of shoe boxes.  Everyone co-operated and made very interesting models.


Sunday, 22 September 2013

Investigating another country

We have been using photos to find out more about the people in Longjawe and what their lives are like.  It was important we looked closely to see the important details.

Week 4 in the 'Reading Cafe'

This week we have been finding out about the final activities in the café.  We chose from 'working with words' or 'working with writing'.  Some of us made our own books using different pens and paper.  At the end of the session, we had stories about giraffes and information texts about football. 

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Reading Cafe

We have been continuing to learn about the different activities you can find in a 'Reading Cafe'. 
Can you guess what we are doing in the pictures below?

It is important when we are reading with someone that we sit 'elbow to elbow' and' knee to knee'. 
We remember this by thinking 'EEKK.'
We can 'read' the story by looking at the pictures or reading the words. 
Do you read in this way at home?

Monday, 2 September 2013

Our first few weeks in class

We have spent time this past fortnight taking part in class challenges.  This has helped us get to know our new friends and find out about their interests and hobbies. 
We have also started looking at different projects we hope to cover this year.   

 Our social studies topic is 'Homes around the World'.  We have started our work by finding out about the Usat family.  They live in longhouses in Malaysia.  We will be using a range of sources to investigate this.

Last week we started a block of work called the 'Reading Cafe'.  We began by finding out about a 'good fit' books.  Then we had some time to choose our own books and read quietly to ourselves.

We plan to update our page regularly and let you all know about what we have been learning.